Kirsten joined NFU Mutual as a Graduate Actuarial Trainee in 2008. Now she’s a Risk Pricing Manager and her career here has been dynamic and progressive. Along the way, Kirsten has taken several career breaks. We spoke to Kirsten about her experience with NFU Mutual and how she’s been supported to achieve her personal and professional ambitions.

“I joined NFU Mutual as a graduate for many reasons - the location, diverse range of products to work with and the study support packages. The team seemed great too! I also really liked the idea of working for a mutual. It adds an interesting dimension to the work and I’m proud that we strive for "fair and accurate" pricing.

I was promoted to Actuarial Executive in the Reserving team of the General Insurance Actuarial Department just three and a half years later. Then I made a sideways move to the Pricing team in the same department to broaden my experience.

During my career at NFU Mutual I’ve taken maternity leave twice. One starting in 2016 and another in 2020. Following my first maternity leave, I was supported to return to work on a part-time basis for a couple of years as a Modelling Consultant in the new Pricing team. After my second maternity leave, I chose to work full time when I took on a Risk Pricing Manager role.

I absolutely feel that my development has been encouraged, particularly once I joined the Pricing department. In my time here, I’ve had many development opportunities. Highlights include completing the Leadership Development Programme at Henley Business School, qualifying as a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, attending the Winning Performance Culture course run by Lane4 and presenting to Executive and Non-Executive Directors.

I still have a lot to achieve! I’ve got several options I can consider and would definitely like to progress further. I have an active personal development plan and a mentor from the senior leadership team to support me. And I would love to see some female representation in the Pricing Executive! I still have plenty of aspirations within the Risk Pricing team too.

NFU Mutual has exceeded all my expectations. I know that because I’m still here! I didn’t expect that to happen at the outset. But I always feel like I’ve got interesting work ahead of me, the team is fantastic, I've been supported through maternity leave and return to work twice, and the commitment and determination to get the right result for the company is impressive.

If a friend asked my advice about getting into pricing, I would tell her to get clear on what development opportunities she wants and the direction she would like to go in. Also, to take the opportunities when they come your way and don’t compare yourself to anyone else - follow your own path. It’s also invaluable to link up with your peers around the business. It can be really helpful to get a different perspective.”

Kirsten, Risk Pricing Manager

Find out more about the NFU Mutual, our Pricing team and the opportunities available.