Here at NFU Mutual, we grow our own talent. And nowhere more so than in our Pricing team, where training and development is essential to maintain our strength as a function and as a business. We encourage and support everyone equally however we’re particularly proud of our women in finance colleagues: people like Kirsten who has taken advantage of the support and opportunities to realise her professional and career potential.
Kirsten joined NFU Mutual as a Graduate Actuarial Trainee and was promoted to an executive role in just three and a half years. Now Kirsten is a Risk Pricing Manager and she told us about her career development with NFU Mutual so far:
“NFU Mutual was attractive to me as a career option for many reasons – location, diverse range of products, study support packages, and the team seemed great. I also really liked the idea of working for a mutual. It adds an interesting dimension and I’m proud that we strive for “fair and accurate pricing”.
NFU Mutual has exceeded my expectations, so much so that I’m still here! I didn’t expect to stay this long but there always seems to be more interesting work to look forward to. The team is also fantastic and the commitment and determination to get the right result for the company is impressive.
I made the sideways move to the Pricing team to broaden my experience and I was supported throughout. I’ve been here for more than 12 years now, and I’ve had so many development opportunities. Highlights include completing the Leadership Development Programme at Henley Business School, qualifying as a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, attending the Winning Performance Culture course run by Lane4 and presenting to Executive and Non-Executive Directors.
I still have further career ambitions and progress to make in the Risk Pricing team and I’d love to see some female representation in the Pricing Exec! I’m not sure if I’m aiming for that, but I’m supported by a clear personal development plan and a mentor from the Senior Leadership team.
If a friend asked my advice about getting into pricing, I would tell her to be clear on the development opportunities she wants and the direction she would like to go in. Also, to take the opportunities when they come your way and don’t compare yourself to anyone else - follow your own path. It’s also invaluable to link up with your peers around the business. It can be really helpful to get a different perspective.”
Kirsten, Risk Pricing Manager
Find out more about NFU Mutual, our Pricing team and the opportunities available.